Caribbean Ministers of Health discussed and supported the vision and mission of HeDPAC

Sep 24, 2023
September 23, 2023, Washington DC: The Ministers of Health of the Caribbean community discussed and welcomed the vision and mission of the Health Development Partnership for Africa and the Caribbean (HeDPAC) during the CARICOM Council for Human and Social Development (COHSOD) meeting. The discussion of the agenda item was held on September 23, 2023,in Washington DC, USA at the sides of the 75th Session of the Regional Committee of the WHO for the Americas. H.E Dr Jerome Walcott, Minister of Health and Wellness of Barbados introduced the initiative to the meeting participants. He reminded participants that HeDPAC is championed by Their Excellencies Heads of Government of Barbados and Rwanda and that its establishment is based on the valuable lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic for Africa and the Caribbean regions. In addition, he underlined HeDPAC as a potential platform to articulate joint voices of the two regions in issues of global concern such as the ongoing discussion of the WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (WHO CA+).
Presenting the vision, mission, and priorities of HeDPAC, its Coordinator, Dr Haileyesus Getahun, who is also Director of AMR Global Coordination at the WHO Headquarters emphasized the rationale for HeDPAC is founded on the need for a new global public health order to prevent the negative experiences observed by the two regions during the COVID-19 pandemic due to exclusionary policies and vaccine hoarding. He further highlighted that its establishment is also inspired by positive developments that ensued since then, including the first summit of African and Caribbean heads of government and the establishment of the Pharmaceutical Equity for Global Health Initiative to improve access to medical products through local manufacturing in Africa and the Caribbean regions. Dr. Getahun elaborated the three key priority areas of HeDPAC are strengthening of the human health workforce, building resilient systems that can overcome climate crises and other threats as well as the local manufacturing and access of medical products.
The Council of Ministers welcomed and commended the initiative, noting that it offers a unique opportunity to improve South-South cooperation on the pressing health challenges of the two regions and enhance capacity building and local manufacturing of medical products as well as enhanced representation at the global stage. The Council of Ministers agreed on the vision and mission of HeDPAC and the future need of expanding the priorities included in the initiative.
The Council for Human and Social Development (COHSOD) which consists of Ministers designated by the Member States of the Caribbean Community, promotes human and social development,including the improvement of health and the development and organization of efficient and affordable health services in the Community.