About Us

HeDPAC is a global health initiative that leverages the valuable lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath to promote health development across the Global South with primary focus on strengthening the South-South partnership between the African and Caribbean regions. This platform is dedicated to building robust and resilient health systems to accelerate the attainment of Universal Health Coverage. 

The economic and health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affected the Global South particularly Africa and the Caribbean regions, mainly due to travel restrictions, exclusionary policies and vaccine hoarding.  

The main aim of HeDPAC is to strengthen South-South cooperation and enhance institutional capacity within and between the two regions and beyond to maximize impact on health development and achieve Universal Health Coverage.  HeDPAC’s catalytic role will be aligned with existing national and regional development plans ensuring efficiency, synergy and coherence.

HeDPAC is legally registered as an international not-for-profit organisation in Barbados and Rwanda. It was incubated at the Head Quarters of the World Health Organisation for its initial formative stages.

Our Vision

Achieving Universal Health Coverage through south-south partnership with primary focus on the people of Africa and the Caribbean. 

Our Mission

To strengthen South-South partnership, build capacity, create solidarity and enabling political environment.

Our Principles

  • Alignment with existing national and regional structures and plans
  • Cross-regional synergy and coherence
  • Placing health at the center of economic development